Today we perform three 'Works of Glory' by two important composers: Heinrich Schutz and Antonio Vivaldi.

You might wonder why a 'Bach' choir is performing works by other composers than those of Master Bach? Despite our name, the Pretoria Bach Choir does not just sing works by Bach, and we perform pieces by all the important Baroque and especially Early-Baroque composers, such as Schutz.

Schutz is considered as the most important German composer of the 17th century, before the arrival of J.S. Bach of course! Antonio Vivaldi, a contemporary of J.S. Bach is remembered as one of the fathers of instrumental music and the master of the concerto for soloists and orchestra. Vivaldi attracted the attention of many famous musicians during his life such as Johann Sebastian Bach himself. Bach was deeply influenced by Vivaldi's concertos and arias.

Heinrich Schutz was born exactly 100 years before J.S. Bach in the east of Germany. In his early twenties he studied music with Giovanni Gabrieli where he learnt the polychoral style you will hear today. Well into his eighties Schutz published a large volume of work (mainly composed to the text of Psalm 119!} intended to be his last composition, known as his ''Schwanengesang" (Swan Song). This work also includes Psalm 100 (Jauchzet dem Herren} and the Deutsches Magnificat that we are performing today.

"Jauchzet dem Herren" contains two Basso Continua parts, one for each choir, but it is often sung a capella with the second choir acting as an echo. The medieval churches in which this piece was originally performed already had a long reverberation time, and the echo must have even further accentuated the feeling of Majesty and Glory that Schutz was trying to create in his music.

The Magniftcat is a setting of the Song of Mary from Luke Chapter 1. Schutz wrote four versions of the Magnificat, one in Latin and the others in German although two of the German settings have been lost. The original soprano and tenor parts from Chorus 2 are missing. These were reconstructed by the German musicologist Werner Breig.

Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice almost a century after Schutz. He was the most prolific composer of Baroque orchestral music with over 50 concertos and 45 operas. He was an ordained priest, and was nicknamed II Preto Rosso, the 'Red Priest' due to his red hair. After ordination he began working at an orphanage called Ospedale della Pieta as the Maestro di Violino, and most of his compositions were for the orchestra and choir that were composed of the young ladies in the orphanage.

Vivaldi wrote at least three settings of the 4th century hymn Gloria in excelsis Deo. Two of these survive - the one you will hear today was probably written around 1715. His musical style was innovative and distinctive in its driving rhythms and dynamic phrasing.

We hope you enjoy the performance!


 Part 1    Part 2
1. Heinrich Schütz -  Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt (Psalm 100), SWV 36   Antonio Vivaldi - Gloria, RV589
2. Heinrich Schütz - Deutsches Magnificat - Meine Seele erhebt den      1. Gloria in excelsis Deo
      Herren, SWV 494      2. Et in terra pax
       3. Laudamus te
       4. Gratias agimus tibi
       5. Propter magnam gloriam
       6. Domine Deus
       7. Domine, Fili unigenite
       8. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei
       9. Qui tollis peccata mundi
       10. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris
       11. Quoniam tu solus sanctus
       12. Cum Sancto Spiritu


Gerben Grooten

Soloists  Orchestra
Soprano I Alna Smit Concert Master Evert van Niekerk
Soprano II Esté Meerkotter Violin I

Leonie Greyling

Counter Tenor Jonathan Watkins    Viara Markova
       Mary Tennant
    Violin II

Jacques Fourie

       Carin Jansen van vuuren
       Mariëtte Malherbe
       Natali Schutte
    Viola  Kate Moore
       Valerie Hohls

Clorinda Warrens


Philip Cox


John Reid-Coulter

     Cello Katia Sokolova
     Double Bass

Leanse Pottas


Arno Steyn

Sopranos Altos Tenors Basses
Frideborg Bammel Marike Brits Wim Bronkhorst Hanno den Boer
Lynette Boerrigter Liesl De Klerk Ian Butler Martin Drewes
Eleanor Burton Trudie Delport Massimo De Luca Chris Hershensohn
Tineke Coetzee Gerda du Toit Ruan Fraser-Vorstman Pieter Koelewyn
Annette Dreyer Marcha Geyer Werner Fraser-Vorstman Barry Meijer
Thia du Plooy Marianne Haag Lammie Marx Ferdie Preller
Minda Ferreira Alida Kok Engelbrecht Sabelo Nxele
Rosemary Gray Karien Mostert-Wentzel Corné Theron
Renelle Grabler Dudu Nxele Dirk Theron
Petro Heyns Adry Stolk Phillip Venter
Valerie Nolte Susan van den Heever
Riana Nöthling Petro van Niekerk
Caren Potgieter
Malene Schulze
Chantelle Van der Merwe
Elsa Van der Watt
Barbara Venter
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